Dennis Darts with Plaxton Bodies

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In UK, Plaxton is the most popular body builder for Dennis Darts, but in Hong Kong, Plaxton Pointer was the last to come. Twenty-one (1401-21) Plaxton Darts were introduced by Citybus in summer 1996, and were followed by more of Discovery Bay of Lantau Island. The 21 Citybus Dennis Darts were withdrawn from service in early-1999.

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The first Plaxton Pointer Dart built for Hong Kong is this 1401 (GM 9051). (1998/04/08)

1402 (GM 6631) is seen here at Sai Wan Ho bus terminus while serving Route 529. (1998/08/08)

The destination display of 1404 (GM 6090) here showing the bus was on Route 1A. Obviously this was not a valid route number as the bus was temporarily not in service when the photo was taken. (1998/03/04)

Before Route 117 was replaced by Route 917, Citybus sometimes allocated single-deck Dart to this route. 1409 (GM 5431) is seen here terminating Happy Valley. (1996/12/14)

Before the Alexander ALX200 Volvo B6s came, Route 260 was normally served by Plaxton Pointer Darts. Here 1414 (GM 7606) is an example. (1997/11/22)

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