Kowloon Motor Bus
Dennis Trident Demonstrator ATR101
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[ ATR1 (1) | ATR1 (2) | ATR101 | Y2K Bus | At Depot - 12m (1) | At Depot - 12m (2) ]
[ At Depot - 10.6m (1) | At Depot - 10.6m (2) | Others Photos | Consolidated Photos ]

This Dennis Trident (Chassis Number: SFD112AR1TGT10103) is another demonstrator for Kowloon Motor Bus ("KMB") besides ATR1. The body was built in CBU (Completely Built Up) and was painted in KMB's standard white livery by Alexander. The bus was retained by the manufacturer for more than one year before delivery to Hong Kong. Some features are found different from other Tridents, yet similar to those in ATR1.

This Trident was repainted gold after delivery to KMB. The bus was then received a registration of HZ 6751 and was allocated a fleet number of ATR101.

ATR101 is easily distinguished from other 'Golden Tridents' by the different location of the rear door and aluminium staircase panel.

When ATR101 was in white livery. (1998/09/26)

When ATR101 was in gold livery. (1999/05/15)

[ ATR1 (1) | ATR1 (2) | ATR101 | Y2K Bus | At Depot - 12m (1) | At Depot - 12m (2) ]
[ At Depot - 10.6m (1) | At Depot - 10.6m (2) | Others Photos | Consolidated Photos ]

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