Kowloon Motor Bus
Dennis Tridents at Tuen Mun Depot (10.6 meters Alexander)
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[ ATR1 (1) | ATR1 (2) | ATR101 | Y2K Bus | At Depot - 12m (1) | At Depot - 12m (2) ]
[ At Depot - 10.6m (1) | At Depot - 10.6m (2) | Others Photos | Consolidated Photos ]

From ATS51 onwards, the Tridents are bodied by Alexander. The body design is similar to those on the Volvo Super Olympian, which is a modified verson of the ALX500 type. The seating layout is same as that in the Alexander bodied Tridents (1600-series) of New World First Bus. On the other hand, if compared with the Duple Metsec ones, 2 seats are provided on the step-free floor, while the Duple Metsec version does not have any step-free seat. (2001/05/05)

The appearance of an Alexander ATS bus. It may be difficult to distinguish these buses with the 10.6-metre Super Olympians in the fleet. The location of the radiator provides the most obvious indication for recognition.

The rear of another ATS bus. The design of the engine cover is modified as compared with the original ALX500 one.

The lower deck interior view. The 2 step-free seats are located on the nearside immediate after the centre exit.

[ ATR1 (1) | ATR1 (2) | ATR101 | Y2K Bus | At Depot - 12m (1) | At Depot - 12m (2) ]
[ At Depot - 10.6m (1) | At Depot - 10.6m (2) | Others Photos | Consolidated Photos ]

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