CMB MCW Metrobus
MCW (Metro-Cammell Weymann) products were first introduced by China Motor Bus ("CMB") in 1978, they were twelve 9.7-metre Metrobuses (MC1-12). After all of these buses entered service, CMB further ordered another 40 buses (MB1-40) of the 11.5-metre version in the same year, and these buses are the largest 2-axle double-deckers in Hong Kong.
In 1981, first 3-axle double-decker (ML1) for CMB arrived. CMB was satisfied with the performance of its Super Metrobuses and finally another 83 (ML2-84) joint the fleet subsequently.
Please click the following links for Metrobus photographs:
MB/MC - 2-axle Metrobus
ML - 3-axle Metrobus

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