West Kowloon Cultural District ("WKCD") 西九文化區
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[ The WKCD Site ] Mobile M+: Inflation! Xiqu Centre M+
viewed from the Peak M+ 進行: 充氣! 戲曲中心 M+ 博物館

West Kowloon
Bamboo Theatre 2013
West Kowloon
Bamboo Theatre 2013
West Kowloon
Bamboo Theatre 2014
West Kowloon
Bamboo Theatre 2014
西九大戲棚 2013 西九大戲棚 2013 西九大戲棚 2014 西九大戲棚 2014

Art Park Art Park Art Park Art Park
藝術公園 藝術公園 藝術公園 藝術公園

Art Park Art Park Art Park NAVYA ARMA
Autonomous Vehicle
藝術公園 藝術公園 藝術公園 電動智能自動車

The 3 Conceptual Plans (2010)
  • Foster + Partners

  • Rocco Design Architects Limited

  • Office for Metropolitan Architecture

  • The 3 Screened-in Proposals (2004-2005)
  • Dynamic Star International Limited

  • Sunny Development Limited

  • World City Culture Park Limited

  • Please click on the photographs for the enlarged version.
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